Cross-sectional reports
Here you can find cross-sectional reports on the border situation by WAM, the Border Group and other organisations involved.
12 months of the new government
- The report presents 13 testimonies describing pushbacks from Poland to Belarus that took place between December 2023 and October 2024.
Pepper spray in a bottle of water
- The report summarizes the year 2023 on the Polish-Belarusian border. It includes descriptions of humanitarian interventions, testimonies of people who experienced pushbacks and violence, and analytical texts on the government's narrative about the border.
We have only one war, which is immigration, which is you
- The report describing pushbacks and violence perpetrated by the uniform services is based on an analysis of interviews with people who crossed the Polish-Belarusian border between January and June 2023. It is to them that we want to give the voice that is still missing from the public debate.
Periodic reports
Here you can find periodic reports on the situation on the border regularly published by WAM.