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About us

The We Are Monitoring Association is part of the Border Group coalition. Together with other organisations, informal initiatives and local residents, we co-create a solidarity humanitarian network on the Polish-Belarusian border. Since 2021, we have been working to advocate for human rights by collecting, analysing and sharing data on the scale of movement, abuses of power and various forms of violence, including institutional violence, experienced by people on the move. We are also collecting testimonies from those who have experienced pushbacks.

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If you want to support our activities,
you can make a donation to our account:


We Are Monitoring Association
51 1090 1056 0000 0001 5481 1903
Twarda 18, 00-105, Warsaw


“Donation for statutory purposes”

The Border Group is a coalition of Podlasie residents, humanitarian workers and activists from all over Poland and abroad. It brings humanitarian aid to people on the move who are seeking a safe and dignified life for themselves and their loved ones. It is creating a broad social movement, born in response to the ongoing crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border since the summer of 2021. It helps people when they are at their most vulnerable – when they are deprived of their most basic human rights, including the protection of health and life. It also works in hospitals and centres for foreigners. It organises legal aid, psychological support, material support.


If you wish to support Grupa Granica,
please visit:

The Egala Association was established to support migrants and refugees in the process of adaptation and integration and to develop the sensitivity of the host community to the situation of people with migration and refugee experience. The Association’s activities are mainly related to supporting people in guarded and open centers for foreigners and humanitarian aid on the Polish side of the Polish-Belarusian border.

The foundation mainly deals with humanitarian aid in the forest: it provides water, food, clothes, medicines, and first aid. It is also involved in helping people on the way who crossed the PL-BY border and suffered injuries, as a result of which medical assistance was provided and they were hospitalized, as well as minors who are sent to care and educational facilities.

The main task of the Association is to protect human rights and civil liberties. In addition, the association is involved in integration activities, social assistance and humanitarian aid. In cooperation with the Granica Group, it helps people on the road near the Polish-Belarusian border and supports refugees in hospitals and centers for foreigners. He also conducts integration and activation activities with refugees from Ukraine.



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